Financial Markets & Instruments course | NQF6 | Diploma | Skillfully

NQF6 in Financial Markets & Instruments

  • Trainer: Full Value Financial Services
  • Hours of instruction: 80
  • Course duration: Delivered over 8 months
  • Course cost: R41,745 incl. VAT. Best price guaranteed

"Full Value and its lecturers go the extra mile to ensure every delegate will pass the course with flying colours. It was wonderful when they acknowledged the need for extra classes."

"I gained new knowledge and dusted off my old knowledge. Things that I am dealing with in my daily work life make so much more sense now."

Anyone working in the financial services sector should understand financial markets as a whole - and this programme is designed to achieve just that. From the basics of economics, through the workings of the various asset classes, to fundamental and technical analysis, you will emerge with an all-encompassing view of financial markets - and knowledge to enhance your career.


  • Analysts and portfolio managers
  • Risk managers
  • Brokers and broker consultants
  • Finance and accounting staff
  • Support staff (e.g. legal, IT, HR, compliance and operations)
  • Treasury staff (back and front offices)
  • Business development managers

The programme assumes zero prior knowledge, so not to worry if you have no financial background. And if you do have some knowledge of these topics from university or college courses, the NQF6 programme is well suited to you, as it bridges the gap between the academic and the practical world of financial markets.


  • Economics of markets
  • Financial market instruments (cash, bonds, equities, foreign exchange and derivatives)
  • The money market 
  • The capital market
  • Financial mathematics
  • Fundamental and technical analysis
  • Financial statements and ratio analysis
  • Risk management and hedging
  • Fintech and the future of financial services (incl. big data, blockchain, cybersecurity and fintech ethics)

Each topic is carefully constructed to help everyone along the learning path, and technical jargon is always carefully explained. You'll feel empowered to confront even topics which people usually find daunting - like financial maths - with confidence! 

There is a constant real-world emphasis on the practical application of the material. The facilitators are market practitioners who love to speak from experience, and to teach what actually happens in financial markets, not what should happen. 


Online format:

  • About 80 hours of live online instruction (12 sessions spaced over 8 months, 08h30-16h30)
  • Sessions are recorded, so you can rewatch anytime
  • Regular online assessments and assignments

Blended format:

  • About 80 hours of in-person instruction in either Joburg or Cape Town (12 sessions spaced over 8 months, 08h30-16h30)
  • Sessions are recorded, so you can rewatch anytime
  • Regular online assessments and assignments

The most important outcomes of the programme are the skills that it will give you, and the added value you will be able to deliver at work. You will also gain an impressive qualification in higher education - a National Certificate at NQF level 6 - which is the equivalent of a university diploma.

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Now available
19 March 2024 to 19 November 2024
  • Hours of instruction: 80
  • Note: R41,745 incl. VAT. Depending on demand, there may also be an in-person option in Johannesburg. For now, please let us know if you're interested by clicking "Contact me".
  • Course fee: Best price guaranteed
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"I understand investments terminology so much better now, in a practical way. It has helped me so much when engaging with my stakeholders, who are predominantly investment professionals. Things make so much more sense now."

"Full Value and its lecturers go the extra mile to ensure every delegate will pass the course with flying colours. It was wonderful when they acknowledged the need for extra classes - this helped me a lot."

"I gained new knowledge and dusted off my old knowledge. Things that I am dealing with in my daily work life make so much more sense now. Being able to apply the course content in practice is wonderful!"

"I would definitely recommend this course. If you are new to the investments world, this course is really ideal to help you understand the basics; but it's also challenging, so you end up pushing and stretching yourself, which means you grow mentally." 

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