Presentation skills training | Business Presentation Group | Skillfully

Present to Influence

  • Trainer: BPG
  • Hours of instruction: 10
  • Course cost: R7,245 (incl. VAT) per delegate. Best price guaranteed

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Exclusive group offer: book six delegates for the price of five!

“Facilitator was fantastic. The interaction between the delegates was really inspiring.”

"You provided a tool that helps us to deliver the message more clearly and in a structured, audience-focused way."

This programme will change the way you think, speak and engage as a presenter, to achieve great results. You will enhance your communication and influencing skills, standing out among your peers and stakeholders.

The focus is on the presentation message, and on understanding how your audience thinks. BPG's tools and templates will help you to create and build an effective story, making preparation simpler and faster.

Features to maximise effectiveness

The programme is a highly interactive and practical blended learning experience, consisting of 8 hours of live online or in-person sessions and 2 hours of self-study.

Course content is moulded to meet the needs of your firm. You will work on your own real-life business topics, and receive personalised feedback and presentation coaching. Discussion and debate amongst delegates adds to the richness of the experience.

The course includes these key features:

  • The BPG power tools for building a persuasive message: the Presentation Briefing Pack and Audience Thought Model™
  • A client-centric approach to develop a clear picture of the target audience
  • Strategic thinking to structure the flow of your message so as to relate to audience needs and expectations
  • Natural and compelling approach to content delivery that plays to your strengths

Course outcomes

Once you have completed the course, you will:

  • Take significantly less time to prepare a presentation, as the preparation tools accelerate the process
  • Deliver your message with greater conviction because you know your preparation is sound
  • Connect with the audience from your first breath
  • Tell your story in a more authentic manner
  • Enhance your credibility
  • Influence your audience, getting more buy-in more often

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Now available
Exclusive course for your team
  • Hours of instruction: 10
  • Timing information: Click "Contact me" to find out more; or "Book now" to arrange an exclusive course for your team (either online or in-person). Group discounts are available.
  • Course fee: Best price guaranteed
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"Facilitator was fantastic. The interaction between our team was really inspiring. I like the live sessions where you practise, and appreciated live feedback. The videos and support materials were simply great."

"The ATM power tools gave us a very good structure to follow for a persuasive presentation. The guidance and comments given by our facilitator was also very objective and valuable."

"The structure helped me to have impact on my audience and achieve my presentation goal. The sessions were interactive with just the right number of individuals in the group, one-on-one coaching, and the benefits of peer feedback."

"You provided a tool that helps us to deliver the message more clearly and in a structured, audience-focused way."

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