CPD Made Easy | Skillfully

CPD Made Easy

  • Trainer: Growth in Motion
  • Hours of instruction: 6-18
  • Course cost: R615-R1,380 incl. VAT per package. Best price guaranteed

Are you looking for a straightforward, convenient way to fulfil CPD requirements for yourself or your team? Skillfully features a set of useful and interesting CPD offerings from Growth in Motion, available online anytime. These courses come at highly competitive rates in packages of 6, 12 or 18 hours. Each package covers topics in various categories as stipulated by the regulator: ethics, professional knowledge and skills, and market and regulatory updates.

Every course is accredited for a number of CPD hours, and contains absorbing readings, videos and interactive exercises, with a final quiz to earn your CPD certificate. 

Courses and prices per package

The 18 hour package costs R1,380 (incl VAT), and contains six courses:

  • A guide to workplace professionalism (3 hrs)
  • Ethics in the workplace (3 hrs)
  • Asset allocation (3 hrs)
  • Economic and investment overview (4 hrs)
  • Dealing with difficult conversations (2 hrs)
  • Complaints management (3 hrs)

The 12 hour package costs R1,115 (incl VAT), and contains four courses:

  • Ethics in the workplace (3 hrs)
  • Economic and investment overview (4 hrs)
  • Dealing with difficult conversations (2 hrs)
  • Complaints management (3 hrs)

The 6 hour package costs R615 (incl VAT), and contains two courses:

  • Asset allocation (3 hrs)
  • Ethics in the workplace or Complaints management (3 hrs)

For a description of each course, click the PDF image on the bottom-right of this page, under 'Download more info'.

To book or ask about each package, for yourself or your team, choose the suitable option towards the bottom of this page.

Admin users are not allowed to book courses or express interest in courses. Please register as a Trainee to be able to book a course.

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Now available
Group order for more than one package
  • Timing information: Available online anytime
  • Note: Click "Contact me" to find out more, or "Book now" to arrange a booking for more than one package of 6, 12 and/or 18 hours. We'll get right back to you.
  • Course fee: As listed per package. Discounts available for large orders. Best price guaranteed
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Now available
18 hour package
  • Hours of instruction: 18
  • Timing information: Available online anytime
  • Note: Six separate courses: A guide to workplace professionalism; Ethics in the workplace; Asset allocation; Economic and investment overview; Dealing with difficult conversations; Complaints management
  • Course fee: R1,380 (incl VAT). Best price guaranteed
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Now available
12 hour package
  • Hours of instruction: 12
  • Timing information: Available online anytime
  • Note: Four separate courses: Ethics in the workplace; Economic and investment overview; Dealing with difficult conversations; Complaints management
  • Course fee: R1,115 (incl VAT). Best price guaranteed
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Now available
6 hour package
  • Hours of instruction: 6
  • Timing information: Available online anytime
  • Note: Two separate courses: Asset allocation, and either Ethics in the workplace or Complaints management
  • Course fee: R615 (incl VAT). Best price guaranteed
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