If you are writing the RE5 exam soon, you’ll know that it is essentially a test of how well you know a list of legislation, regulations and other official documents. It’s not realistic to plan to pass the exam simply by reading through this examinable material – there’s a lot of it, and it’s complex – and that’s why Skillfully offers a fantastic prep course, RE5 Exam Prep for Representatives. The course will empower you to know and understand all of this material, painlessly and efficiently. And at R1,955 the course is very affordable, so request a booking today!
In the meantime, perhaps you’d like to take a look through the examinable material. Here it is:
- Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services (FAIS) Act
- FAIS General Code of Conduct
- FAIS Regulations
- FAIS Board Notice 82 (BN 82) on Reappointment of Debarred Representatives
- FAIS Board Notice 123 (BN 123) on Indemnity and Insurance
- FAIS Board Notice 194 (BN 194) on Fit and Proper Requirements
- FAIS Guidance Note on Intermediary Services and Representatives
- FAIS Guidance Notice 1 on Debarment
- FSCA FAIS Notice 17 on Section 14 Notifications
- FSCA FAIS Notice 29 – Form 5 to Appoint a Representative
- FSCA FAIS Notice 86 on Exemption of Services Under Supervision
- FSB Guidance Note on Key Individuals
- Long-Term Insurance Act
- Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA)
- FICA Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Control Regulations
- Financial Sector Regulation (FSR) Act – Sections 153, 229 & 230
- FSR Act Ombud Council Rules for the Ombud for Financial Services Providers