Conversation Clever

Trainer: Language Boss
Duration: 10-12 hours
Delivery: Online or in-person
City(ies): Cape Town and surrounds or virtually
Cost: R3,550 in-person; R3,350 virtually (VAT not applicable). Best price guaranteed
“I really enjoyed the course and found it very informative and educational, learning to communicate more effectively in my professional environment and private life. I will suggest to HR that the whole organisation attends.”
~Chantelle Marsh – Compass Insurance

Conversations – everybody has them. Some conversations are high-risk; others are carefree; but all have an impact on our careers and our private lives. At work, the quality of our conversations largely determines company culture and organisational effectiveness. Beyond work, too, conversations are essential to our relationships.

Talking to others is the most human of skills, but, sadly, we are not very skillful at it. This course, led by Language Boss, focuses on business, workplace, and general communication and will greatly raise the quality of your conversations and conflict resolution skills. If you have colleagues, a boss, employees, direct reports, a partner or a spouse, Conversation Clever is for you.

Delivery methods 

The course is offered using one of two delivery methods:

  • virtually: typically three 3,5-hour live sessions, delivered via Google Meet
  • in-person: two 6-hour face-to-face sessions

Between sessions, whether online or in-person, participants apply what they have learned to their real-world conversations. The resulting experiences are discussed at the start of the next session.

Course outcomes

On completing the course, participants will know:

  • how to go about having difficult conversations
  • how to hold good conversations with clients
  • how to make their casual conversations more meaningful
  • how the quality of their conversations impacts on their relationships
  • how to apply the core practices at the heart of all good conversations
  • how to give feedback effectively
  • how to engage with others depending on their style of interpersonal interaction


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Delivery: Online or in-person

Duration: 10.5 hours (online) or 12 hours (in-person)

Other info: Click "Ask a question" to find out more; or "Request a booking" to arrange an exclusive course, including favourable group rates, for your team. Conversation Clever can be offered exclusively to at least 6 people at one firm (either online or in-person).

Cost: R3,550 in-person; R3,350 virtually (VAT not applicable). Best price guaranteed

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“I would recommend this course to all employees. Michael does an amazing job at creating an environment with open dialogue and assisting us to become better communicators. I will apply the tools used on this course to communicate better with clients when emotions are involved.”
~Lesego Rasmeni – Coronation Fund Managers
“I really enjoyed the course and found it very informative and educational, learning to communicate more effectively in my professional environment and private life. I will suggest to HR that the whole organisation attends.”
~Chantelle Marsh – Compass Insurance
“The role-playing activities brought the course to life for me. Day One was great in terms of all the components of a conversation and helped in having clever conversations. Day Two was amazing. I felt challenged and empowered to use these tools in my life.”
~Tumelo Toolo – Coronation Fund Managers

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Language Boss

Language Boss

Michael A. Walker, founder of Language Boss, has devoted his working life to English language teaching and training. His company, Language Boss, helps South Africans learn and develop as people, employers and managers by communicating better in the workplace.

As a trainer, Michael always follows three key principles: put the learner at the centre of the process, maximize learner participation, and draw on the learner’s personal experience.

His work is informed by a Masters in Linguistics from Stellenbosch University, a teaching diploma administered by Cambridge University, and a degree from UCT in English and Industrial Psychology.

Michael also draws on his culturally diverse international training experiences with a global provider of online learning and assessment solutions. He has trained in places as varied as Costa Rica and Kazakhstan, encountering a rich tapestry of peoples and languages.

On Skillfully, Language Boss has two course offerings: Writing Works, which helps people write better in the workplace, and Conversation Clever, which helps people connect by having better conversations.